Pre-Admission Clinic (PAC)
Sunnybank Private Hospital’s Pre-Admission Clinic (PAC) is here to help you through your pre admission journey.
It is a service offered to our admitting Doctors and their patients. You may be required to attend an appointment prior to your admission or you may be contacted for a telephone consultation.
If your doctor requests your attendance, please make an appointment by phoning (07) 3344 9329, if your call is not answered please leave a message and the staff will return your call.
Please assist us by completing your E-Admission as soon as able, this will streamline the pre-admission process.
The PAC is open:
- Monday 09:30-18:00hrs,
- Wednesday 11:30-20:00hrs
- Friday 09:30-18:00hrs.
Should your doctor request your attendance at the PAC, please bring with you:
- Any documentation or letter(s) from GP/Consultant
- A list of your current medications and dosages
When speaking with the PAC nurse, please feel free to ask any questions regarding the process or your stay – we will endeavor to answer and assist as able.