Visitor Information

[Last updated 21 March 2023] 

There is no restriction for coming to hospital to receive healthcare.
Visitor are welcome and are asked to keep patients safe by doing the following:
•    Maintain physical distance
•    Practice hand hygiene

Please do not visit our facility if you have any of the following:

•    COVID-19 symptoms
•    Tested positive to COVID-10 in the past 10 days
•    Are awaiting a COIVD-19 test result
•    Are a close contact of a person confirmed as having COVID-19 within the past 5 days

Exemptions to these restrictions may be granted to visit end-of-life patients or in other circumstances, however approval must be granted by Executive prior to entry.  Please speak to your ward staff for further information.

Visitors are not permitted to visit patients who have COVID-19.

Thank you for your support in keeping our patients and staff safe.

Your room has been designed with your comfort and safety in mind.

At the time of admission, your bed will have been allocated on the basis of clinical need and availability.

We will always endeavour to accommodate you in a private room although occasionally, shared accommodation may be allocated.

Free onsite parking is available at the hospital for patients and visitors. Regular bus services operate along Mains Road, Sunnybank.

Please request transport information and taxi services through reception.

Campus map

Smoking is not permitted within our facility or within 5 meters of the hospital boundaries.

Bringing food for patients
There are certain risks involved when you, your family or friends bring food into hospital.

If you wish to bring food products into the hospital please talk to your nurse.

Your Feedback

Sunnybank Private Hospital ‘s health care team is dedicated to anticipating your needs and meeting your expectations. We constantly seek to improve our patient care and services; we therefore welcome all your feedback.

Our Assistance

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